Wednesday 1 October 2008

How's your Doanld Duck!!

I decided to take a week off from the fire brigade last week for 2 reasons- 1, to catch up on some sleep and have some chill time. 2, My watch is going through a lot of changes and it's a shit place to be right now. 

In theory it was a shit hot plan, in practice however, it just went to rat shit!! There are substantial building works going on in my road at the moment, I didn't think this would be a problem as once i'm shattered I can sleep like a good un'. It just so happens that last week, the one I decided to take off, they decided to do all the extra loud demolition work. On top of this the lovely old dear who resides in the gaff directly above me has decided to have her place done up, in the week I take off to chill. I was lying in my bed and the noise from the drilling and the demolition meant that I may as well have dragged a sleeping bag into the fucking main road, it may have been more peacefull there. I found myself wishing I was in work for some peace and quiet. Not only that but even trying to sit on the sofa and kick back it felt like someone was drilling a hole directly into my swede. 

The result of my week being, no lie in's and a waste of a weeks holiday. On the positive side I got a few extra training sessions in and feel fit, good news with the fight just 8 weeks away now. Lets hope I get some kip in vegas- Yeah right!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway I better go to bed, early start in the morning- For a change.

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