Wednesday 8 October 2008

A real days work, I wont be making a habit of it!

Tuesday I sacrificed my lie in and day off to help a mate out screeding a floor, that's the kind of guy I am!! I dragged myself out of my pit at 0650 and shuffled through the rain to be picked up for work. Now I consider myself a hard worker but the work I do is short and sharp. I wasn't fully prepared for a day mixing up, putting sand, water and cement into a mixer and creating the screed.

Fortunately by the time we had driven to essex to start work the rain had stopped and it wasn't a bad day. We had no time to waste as the floor had to be done that day and I needed to be in the gym for my beasting at 5.30. For 4 hrs straight I shovelled, mixed and wheel barrowed, my back was in agony, my hands soaked and wrinkly like and old persons and I was covered from head to toe in a layer of whitish brown dust. Every time I tried to wipe dust from my face I just wiped more in. Nightmare!! 

At around 2 o'clock my slave master of a pal went and got us some lunch, savloy and chips- proper grub. Then it was back to work asap, if I had stayed sitting down much longer there is no way I would have been able to start again. Just as we were finishing the heavens opened and I dragged my weary body back into the motor for the trek to the gym. 

Dave dropped me at the tube station and I happily boarded my train for bethnal green. I could feel myself dropping off and kept waking with a jolt and kneeing the person next to me, I just couldn't physically stay awake. All didn't bode well for cardio with Harry the bastard. Harry is a fantastic trainer but takes no prisoners, just what I need with the fight not too long away but not after a hard days graft. There was no way I wasn't going to get through it though. After 30 mins or so I was breathing out of my hoop and wanted to re introduce my savloy to the world. That was just the beginning though, 90 mins later and bruised and battered with a dead leg and a sore head, I hobbled out of the gym and onto the central line to get my tired arse the fuck home. I must have looked a right state, covered in dust and sweat, limping heavily and struggling for every pace. Finally I dragged myself through my door and collapsed onto the sofa, what a day. A hot bath, a glass of wine and a episode of prison break later I crawled into bed and was asleep before my head even hit the pillow.

I am not one to shy away from hard work but rest assured it will not become a feature in my life if I can help it!!

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