Sunday 5 October 2008

The country is on a knife edge.

I was horrified and shocked to learn that Ross Mason , a ukmma standout fighter and good guy, was stabbed outside a nightclub in birmingham on friday night. I don't know him personally but know that he is a nice fella and a top fighter. What is going on with the knife culture in this country? Every day someone is killed or seriously injured by knife crime. Ross is in critical condition but will be helped by the fact that he's as tough as they come and has a warrior spirit. It just goes to show that it doesn't matter how good a fighter you are in the gym or in the cage, it may even be a disadvantage, cos' when these cowards come for you they are going to come in numbers, armed to the teeth and intent on serious damage. They know they can't win in a fair contest so have to take it to the next level. The most worrying thing is that these people do not care about the consequences, they don't think past the act. This means there is a problem with the legal system, most are not scared of going to jail and know they will only serve minimal sentences, it has to change. The main point is it doesn't matter how tough you are, how skilled a fighter you are, there are too many arse holes out there who will stick a knife in you without a second thought. There are no winners in a street fight that's for sure.

My best wishes go to Ross and his family, keep fighting mate!!!

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