Monday 6 October 2008

I think i'm going soft

I did the unheard of on saturday, I gave money to a begger. I have always made it a rule that I wouldn't give money to these people. I have given them dog food or food in the past. I was queuing at the cashpoint and the begger was sat in between the 2 machines. One became free and I was about to use it when he told me that it wasn't working. I thanked him and queued for the other one again. He told me that people don't normally listen to him because of who he is, I was having a little chat with him and not once did he ask me for money. He seemed happy considering and I just felt he was a good guy. As I got my money out I reached into my pocket and gave him all the loose change I had, not much maybe £1.50. He took it and was grateful. I asked him not to spend it on beer and he got up and said he wasn't going to and that he was off to get something to eat. I hope he didn't buy super strength booze with my money but he probably did.

I remember an incident many years ago when I was in the Army. They had made a error in our pay and for the christmas month I was paid only £200. I was set for a shite christmas but went shopping with my bro to get some pressies. He gave £5 to a tramp, I was fuming. There was I, a soldier not long back from Northern Ireland and skint and now this tramp had more money than me!! From that day I vowed never to give them money. I have no qualms about giving money/clothes etc.. to charity but tramps are a no no. I hope I revert back to normality and stop giving them money but I can't guarantee it.

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