Friday 24 October 2008

Vegas, bad beats, unplanned swimming and fake boobies!!!! Part II

I awoke the next day, well evening but in Vegas time means nothing, to a host of missed calls from a worried mate. If he was so worried then why didn't he stay up past 8pm? He told me we had a table booked for dinner at the Wynn, mega posh, and if I was going to join them I had an hour to get ready. I stumbled from my pit with a mouth like Ghandi's flip flop, found my way to the bathroom and was shocked at what I saw. My mouth was stained bright pink, from all the cranberry juice, and my eyes were like piss holes in the snow. After a shower and the tooth brushing from hell I looked, if not felt, normal again. 

We got to the Wynn and took our seats in our plush restaurant, table overlooking the lake where they had shows every 15mins. I was cutting up pretty rough and only managed to order a coke and some iced water. The rest of the crew were tucking in to their delicious looking starters and cocktails whilst I suffered in, almost, silence. I ordered a steak and awaited it with fear as to whether I would be able to keep it down. It was beautifully cooked and tasted sublime which made the fact that I couldn't finish it all the more distressing. The final nail in the coffin came when I got my share of the bill, $100 for a steak I didn't eat, a coke and a glass of tap water. Everyone else had cocktails and starters as well. I think they may have taken advantage of my good nature. That night Ed was up for a night out, shock horror, I tried to stay out but by 2am I was finished and had to turn in.

The next day I was back to 100% and did some chilling by the pool before deciding to head off to the gym. This gym is world famous in MMA circles and is home to 2 world champs and a plethora of other top fighters. I turned up for the 6pm class to find out, much to my delight, that it was to be taken by none other than the world, light heavyweight champion- Forrest Griffin. it was fantastic to be taught by this guy who has always been a favourite of mine and I was inspired by his humility and sense of humour. Not to mention his skill. That alone would have been enough to have made my trip to Vegas worth while, everything else became a bonus.

That was the last real adventure of my Vegas experience, did a lot more poker playing, it was a roller coaster of good results and bad. A lot more lounging by the MGM's wonderful pool. Admiring the bevy of beauties floating around without the need of floatation devices, if you know what I mean. All in all a great trip to one of the best places I have been, I love Vegas. Next time I go I want to go with people up for a party though, any takers??

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