Wednesday 8 October 2008

Training is getting tough.

With the fight creeping closer and closer training has intensified dramatically over the last few weeks. The cardio sessions (extra training before the classes that fighters do) have gone from 2 x 5 min rnds to 3 x 5 min rnds as per the fight. Paul and Harry and Nick constantly dream up ways to make me want to vomit and it never gets any easier because they just make me work harder. I have been tired in the cage before and am not prepared for that to happen again, it's a lonely place to be and there is no way out! In terms of cardio I am bang on track and feel super fit, up until this week, sparring had been going well too and the body was holding up OK as well. It seems that this week the wheels have come off a bit. The cardio is still going great but the last 2 sessions my stand up has been poor and my grappling is hurting my back. I will have a little time to recouperate in Vegas next week but will still be training. A week of semi chilling then 5 weeks of mega hard work and I'll be ready.

I had to laugh today, I was sparring and got caught with a good shot to the head, the guy I was sparring pulled away and said "Fuck me! You've got a hard head!!" He hurt his hand on my head, that's funny. It happened the week before with someone else too, my head is my secret weapon, hit it too hard and you'll hurt your hand. Love it!!

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