Tuesday 15 July 2008

It's not the size of the dog in the fight, It's the size of the fight in the dog!!!

Today after nights I went to the gym to box with a mate from work. After a little warm up and some pads it was time to don the gloves, insert gumshields, touch gloves and get it on. A bit of back ground, Big Ron is todays sparring partner. Believe it or not he is called 'Big' Ron cos' he's a lump. In stark contrast I am not, but what I lack in size I make up for in stupidness. I must be giving away almost 25kg's in weight to the ronster. It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog. Unfortunately, as the little guy, this is often the case so it's not unusual for me to be outweighed. I was dreading feeling the first shot connect, it's always Ok after the first one. For 2 rnds I ducked and dived, bobbed and weaved- technical terms for 'ran away'. We were both getting pissed off and in the 3rd round I could take it no more, I bit down on my gumshield, tucked my chin into my chest and entered the danger zone. BAM, fuck me! It still fucking hurts. Then I'm back in the game and landing some shots of my own. We got through about 8 rounds in total and it was awesome, there's nothing quite like standing toe to toe with another man and duking it out. We had a man hug and the end and went to get some lunch, all tired smiles. Looking forward to the next bout.

I had a driving lesson in the afternoon. I know it's pathetic, 28 years old and can't drive but hey ho!! Got a bit of a gripe. I'm driving along in a car emblazoned with learner stickers and with a big sign on the roof, what does this say to you? How about, have a bit of patience I am pretty crap at driving? Or, Stay back I am over cautious and a bit unsure? Not in London, I stall at the lights, bad show I know. Do you think tooting your horn continuosly will aid the situation, methinks not!! My driving instructor had to pull me back in the motor cos' I was half way out ready to give the dumb ass mini cab driver a piece of my mind. God help us all when I get on the road on my own!!

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