Saturday 19 July 2008

A Little After Thought.

I was just thinking about an incident that occured last year as I was cycling home from the gym, it's quite relevant in relation to my last post. 

I was cycling back from the gym, was in my tracksuit and knackered! My cycle route means that to save crossing the main road I cycle along the pavement for 50m to get to my house. So I get to the pavement section and slow down, I am aware I shouldn't be cycling on the pavement, I slow down and am basically rolling down the slight decline towards my garden. A big guy in a suit is walking towards me shaking his head, I move to the side to let him by and he jumps in front of my bike and grabs the handle bars. (if I am going slow enough for him to do this then I am hardly a danger to anybody) HE screams at me, right in my face " This is a fucking pavement you idiot" Now a coupleof years ago I wouldn't have thought twice, I would have jumped off my bike and knocked his fucking teeth out. Having grown up, I thought I would try to explain myself to this prick. Calmly I was explaining I lived about 20m away and was going slowly and giving way to pedestrians. Now at this point a crowd is building. I know for a fact this big guy wouldn't have been as brave if I was a big lad, but I am used to this. Again he started to shout at me, causing a massive scene. I was getting a bit pissed off but maintaining the moral high ground, he was the one swearing and shouting, being confrontational and bullying. I asked him politely to move out of my way as I didn't have much patience left. Then he came out with a statement that had me spitting feathers and proved what a knob he was. " It's dickheads like you" There was an end to this sentence but I didn't hear it. I lost my rag in a big way, but managed not to chin this motherfucker, kudos to myself for this. I said " What the fuck is a dickhead like me? A unemployed, dole bludging thug?" He had no answer. I continued " Or a bloke thats been to war for pricks like you and who could possibly pull your fat arse out of a fire if you were in trouble, now get out my way DICKHEAD!" At which point he walked off muttering and shaking his head.

I could have probably dealt with this situation better, I could definately have dealt with it worse!! I ended up justifying myself to this prick, why? I should have just ignored him. The point is, he saw a small bloke in a tracksuit, was probably having a bad day and decided I was a good candidate to feel his wrath. I hate stereotypes!!

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