Monday 14 July 2008

Happy slapping rickshaw ravers!!!

I have been too close to violent London for comfort this week and the situation is out of control. The first instance took place on the tube as I was on my way to the gym on tuesday night. As I was leaving the tube I heard "don't push me you c**t!!" shouted in a well to do london accent. I turned around and saw a middle aged business man push another hard in the chest. Both of them were weilding briefcases, not the weapon of choice in london these days I hasten to add. I put myself in breifcase swinging range and told these 2 'respectable' white collar workers to "stop acing like kids, is it really worth it?" It seemed to work and I made my merry way but I was no more than fifty paces when I heard a commotion, I couldn't be bothered to return and just let them crack on. 

Then saturday night I found myself being in a position I had been dreading for a while now. I was out having a bit of a drink with a couple of mates and we were trying to hail a cab. I was tipsy but by no means hammered.A rickshaw came whizzing by with 3 young lads sporting hoodies in the back. As it passed me a hand came out from the back and I was slapped in the face, it wasn't hard but it pissed me off. I began to give chase, much to the amusement of the passengers of the rickshaw. Why is it that when I have to ru n aon a night out I am always wearing my timberland boots, heavy and cumbersome. I had to give up chase after 20m or so as there was no chance I was catching these idiots. In a way this was a blessing in disguise, there were 2 possible outcomes in my mind. 1, I catch the culprit and beat him to within an inch of his life, get arrested, lose my good job and all for what- a little tap in the face. 2. I catch the culprit, him and his mates jump off stab me numerous times and I lose more than my job!!! It's the way London is at the moment and it's no wonder the kids are running riot with knives and guns. They can't lose. They get bashed up then they sue you, or they stab you and their reputation in their gang goes through the roof. The working class, law abiding citizen is fucked, his hands are tied.

I look back now on this incident and chuckle to myself, it's actually pretty funny. Let's see what his week has instore!!! Never a dull moment in my life.

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