Wednesday 23 July 2008

Manners Maketh Man(or woman)

It seems to me that society no longer values manners. It is so easy to say please, thankyou, sorry or excuse me. These simple words make people's days. I love seing the surprise on the faces of folk when I come out with an "after you" or a "Thankyou very much". It costs me absolutely nothing and brings a little happiness, even if it is momentary, into someones life. You may think this is an over statement but it's not. Most people these days are rude, aggressive and impolite. 

I was out with my bro, his girlfriend and some other friends on friday night. We were in a very busy bar, we had a good spot and were leaning against the bar. A stumpy Irish bird walked up to the group and wanted to get to the bar, had she said "excuse me, would you mind if I got through to the bar?" or something along those lines, we would of happily made way. Instead she walked up with a face like a kicked bag of sick and said " I hope your not just loitering at the bar and are actually buying drinks" Not a good way to get what you want from me, ask me nicely and i'll bend over backwards to help you. Talk to me like something stuck to the bottom of your shoe and i'll ignore you or do my best to be a pain in the arse. Low and behold she didn't get to the bar!!

At grass roots level, i.e with young kids, old fashioned values that made this country great have been forgotten. This is down to us as adults to instill into the kids, society isn't going to improve if the kids don't know about respect or manners. 

Say something nice to a stranger today and watch the reaction. 

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