Saturday 19 July 2008

Stinking Stereotypes

If I had a pound for everytime I heard the words "You don't look like a fireman" I'd be a very rich man. My retort is always the same "What does a fireman look like?" This is usually answered with silence, confused looks and stammering. If only people realised that half the sterotypical looking fireman are lazy and out of shape then maybe they would be a bit slower to come out with their nonsense. It really isn't that difficult just to have a little think about what we say before we say it but I would put money on it that most of us are guilty of this woefull habit. I'm conciously trying to slow down a bit and think before I speak, I am a past master of sticking the proverbial shoe in the mouth. Just a bit of food for thought.

I am probably guilty of bringing myself into a position to be sterotyped, after all it was my choice to have tattoo's and to be who I am and act the way I do. Having tattoo's and an accent a lot of folk automatically assume I am not the sharpest tool in the box. In all honesty this suits me, I love to be underestimated. I have had many a heated debate in bars and other places, with those who started trying to be clever thinking they would out clever me. As well as physical sparring, there's nothing I like more than a Verbal spar. If I am losing the verbal battle then I can always revert to stereotype and knock them the fuck out!!

My point is simply ' Don't judge a book by it's cover!!' this old adage rings very true to me. I am officially going to redouble my efforts to practice what I preach from this day forth. 

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