Friday 5 September 2008

I am a rich man!

I class my self as a very rich person, the ironic thing is I haven't got a lot of money. Work that one out. What makes me rich is the fact that I have the most amazing group of family and friends around me that all the money in the world could not buy. 

My family have stuck with me through thick and thin, I have never been the ideal son or brother to have ( understatement of the year award for that!) but they have always been there. When I have fucked up and need a shoulder to cry on, some moral support and TLC who do I turn to, my family. They have never judged me, thousands have, they have never turned their backs on me. The same goes for my close friends, they have helped me out no end, I try to reciprocate when I can but it's usually me being assisted. 

My point is, without wanting to sound like a visa advert, you can't buy that shit!!! You can have all the money in the world but that doesn't guarantee your happiness. You don't buy a solid group of people who care for you unconditionally, it just doesn't happen. So this is basically my way of saying thankyou to all those that have stuck with me when the going got tough. Most of them will probably never read this but it's down here in black and white and written with sincerity, I can never thankyou enough.

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