Wednesday 17 September 2008

Newquay part II

We were out and about, enjoying each others company and bonding. I have only ever been to Newquay when it's been high season and full to the rafters so it made a nice change to not have to fight to the bar every time. The shortage of women was brushed aside and the ample amount of alcohol helped smoothed the night over. We stumbled into another pub looking for some life and they had a bloody quiz on. Some of the boys fancied it and there were some hot barmaids so it was all good. Whilst the lads were concentrating on the quiz I was concentrating on the lovely barmaid who was looking after us so well. As it transpires I left with her number, happy days. We went to a couple of other bars but it was dead everywhere so I pulled the pin and decided to get an early one, i wanted to hit the surf in the morning plus i figured if i could get a head start on the snorers I may get some shut eye.

I was woken from my slumber at some ungodly hour by 2 of the lads having a snore off, it was like sleeping in a warus enclosure( I imagine). I gave both the offenders a kick and they seemed to stop, I struggled to get back to sleep though. I was up at 9 and went off to have some breakie with Dave and Chris, not before I made all the lads a cuppa- I'm good like that. I had to go to the surf hire place cos' I left one of the lads credit cards there and he was panicing. It was a blessing in disguise as the tide was out and the conditions for us learner surfers were perfect. I put the call in to the boys "surf's up dudes!!" Only a couple of the lazy fuckers turned up but it was a good mornings surf. That afternoon we all got some scoff and I had to go pack my stuff up as I was moving out of the snore palace and into a little room with ensuite facilities! Going soft in my old age. I may have had other motives too!! The others went off for another round of golf, knowing the champ wasn't about they all enjoyed it more.

That evening we RV'd once more in the bar for some vittles and a catch up. The tour had taken it's first casualty. Poor old Graeme had gone down with an extreme case of the Ertha Kitts, he couldn't be more than 2 secs from the bog. Fed and watered we headed into town to begin the boozing again. You can't tell me it isn't a small world, I was in the bar, turned around and there was Bacon. A friend of my brother's and a frequentor of Pancrase London from time to time. He was on his own so became an adopted fireman and the group was back up to 9 again. Anither crazy night ensued, loads of booze and joviality. We ended up in the club dancing the night away until 3am. I then made my way back to my hotel and had a great night there, I shall say no more.

The next morning I checked out of my room and met the boys at te surf hut, it was gloriously sunny and the surf was even better than the day before. Everyone was shattered but raring to have one last crack at riding the ocean wave. It was quite calm for periods then the sets would roll in which enabled us all to get out the back. It was hilarious trying to watch some of the boys sit on the boards let alone stand up!! By far the best of all the surfing so far though. After that it was back to the airport and reality. A great weekend was had by all, roll on next year's excursion.

Saying of the trip "I will treat you like a princess while we're out and fuck you like a whore once we're in!!" Classic.

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