Tuesday 16 September 2008

Newquay Glorious Newquay

At about 3.30 am on a dark and dingy morning in London, 9 firemen were rising from their slumber.  It was the big one we had all been waiting all these years for. Yes, it was the Newquay trip we thought would never come. Shame the flight was at shit o'clock but it meant we got a full 3 days down the coast. We all rendezvous'd at the bar in Stanstead airport. The flight was pretty empty but spirits were high. We sat near to Connie Huq, the ex Blue Peter presenter. I didn't recognise her and thought she was a bit of a pig to be honest.

We checked into our accomodation and it was rubbish. 4 bunk beds in one small room, 1 shower, 1 shitter and 1 sink. 2 of the lads are notorious for snoring, no sleep for me then. We settled in and went for a stroll, got some breakie and went for a wander. Found a 9 hole pitch and putt course, let the games begin. I won my first round with the lowest overall score. We then matched up the 3 best golfers from each team for the play off. I won this too!! Although one of the blokes who was one of the worst in the first rnd beat my score, stewards enquiry me thinks.

After golf it was time to get to surfing"!" We found a spot and hired out our 10 ft styrafoam barges and proceeded into the water. It was high tide and the water was raging. After 5 mins 3 of us had got caught in a rip and were being dragged into a cave. We all shit ourselves and swam for all we were worth, in my panic I managed to boot Dave in the face, sorry mucker. We all survived and made it back to the beach. we surfed for a couple of hours but conditions were tough for us rookies, definately a job for low tide next time. That night we all went out to eat and then got on the hit and miss!! It was the off season so the bars were not all that busy and there was a dearth of women. we were having a ball nonetheless!! It was cool to spend some quality time outside of the stresses and strains of the workplace. 

Gotta go to work now, finish the rest tomorrow!!

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