Sunday 31 August 2008

From focused to fucked!!

Here's the next installment of ' OZ antics', it's pretty self explanitary!


Some fucking idiots stood outside my room talking bollocks for 2hrs last night, in their stupid drooling accents. Then again at 6am this morning- ass holes. Anyway after 12 hrs of no food I weighed in @ 63.10 kgs this morning ( in the nude, bollocks cupped in hand). I wont have to weigh in again til' july so happy days no more fucking dieting.

Just fucking hurt my back shadow boxing in my room but nothing too bad so still gonna bash borat's face in tonight, gold medal here we come. Just hanging around at the mo, this is the worst time and I don't even have a team here so no one to talk to. LONELY!!

Fuck me!!!!!!!!! That guy was the best I have ever fought, no way he was a novice. Tough Kazaghstani mutha fucker. Bashed me up good!! However, fighting is still great. Got a silver medal and a monster hangover this morning.

PARTY TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


WOW! It's been an amazing (drunken) few days. Since I finished boxing all I have done is party!! My fucking head hurts soooooo bad. Been kicking around with the FDNY ( Fire dept new york) guys, they're fucking awesome lads. Everyone round here smiles all the time, really good atmosphere. Can't be arsed to write anymore got partying to do!!

25th march

It's official, I can't drink! Went to the boxing finals on friday then met Bianca and we went out for a while. She is a great chick. She left about 0330am and I carried on drinking all night and half the next day. Got in a fight with some local gang idiots, Choked one of them unconcious but his mate punched me in the face whilst I was doing it and broke my nose again!! I just don't know when to stop. I am a prick when I've had a booze.

Anyway went to the closing ceremony last night- it's been amazing. Don't think i'll be drinking anymore- going to see Bianca tonight- she is set to give me a tour. Gonna be weird round here now the games is over.

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