Monday 25 August 2008

Oz Adventures.

I have just found my diary from my trip to Oz last year, I was competing in the World Police and Firefighter Games. I will be posting snipets from across the 3 weeks, note the difference pre and post competition. In other words the sober and drunk times!! Excuse the grammar but it's copied as it was written at the time.

12th, 13th, 14th march.

This is a fucking long journey!!

Had a result on the plane. Had a spare seat and also met this ozzie geezer who lives 6 months of the year in Thailand. Made a good travelling companion and also he had valium!!

Got about 6 hrs kip, watched Rocky and employee of the month (Jessica Simpson is fit btw).

Singapore airport is cool. Loads to do. Had a massage and fucked about on t'internet (it's free). There are some pics and articles from the fight floating around. I've been thinking about it and am happy and pissed off. I dominated round 1. All the articles say this. Why the fuck did I gas sooooo bad? Unreal and fucking annoying. I really should have won it. Gotta work out what's going on stand-up wise too!! Why do I never use my stand-up? DUMB ASS!!!!  This boxing tourney will do me good cos' there's no takedowns, gotta trade hands. I AM bringing home a medal....

It's fucking 2315, flight leaves in 35mins, hopefully i'll get some kip. Everyone's staring at me, I keep forgetting I got a shiner. FUCK EM' anyway.

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