Friday 8 August 2008

What's Religion Ever Done For Me?

I feel a rant coming on. What is the point in religion? It does nothing but cause problems and create divides. If there is an all seeing all knowing super power up there in the sky, sat on a fucking cloud, Lording over us all, he/she/it needs to get with the fucking program.

Why do bad things always happen to good people and vice versa. Why was my friend, a good man who never hurt anyone and gave his time to attend church, help others, gave his money to charity, robbed from this planet and his family and friends. Why are the scum that did it free and living their scummy lives??? Why have many of my friends had miscarriages when they've done everything right, don't drink, don't smoke and keep exercising then the village slut walks down the road pushing her pram with 2 kids in tow, one in her swollen belly. A fag in one hand can of beer in the other- It's bollocks.

Why do people blow innocent folk to kingdom come in the name of their lord and believe they are doing his work? People stand in the streets and preach hate in his name, this great and good lord!!! The only religion that hasn't caused a war is buddism, what does that tell us? I have been christened and dragged through church, attended sunday school and the rest of the bollocks, I don't buy any of it. The sooner religion is banned(which it never will be) the better in my humble opinion. 


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