Thursday 4 November 2010

I'm Back!!!!

It's been 18 months since I last posted on this blog. Much has happened and much has changed for the better and one thing for the worse. I have left the fire brigade, become a gym owner, got 2 dogs, scrappy and ruby, had 1 dog tragically killed in a car accident (Keep on running Scrappy!), been in a relationship been out of a relationship and back in it again. Watched MMA clinics spring up all over the gaff, watched young and not so young fighters appear from nowhere to take the UKMMA scene by storm. Been involved in 2 massive fight promotions, and am about to spend the rest of this month travelling to Ireland, Iceland and back to Ireland all in the name of fighting- Fucking great. I have made a whole host of new mates, lost touch with a few and got back in touch with a few. I am about to get a new dog, amber, a lovely brindle lurcher x lab!!! So basically it's all go and in the wise words of the great philosopher, Ronald MacDonald, I'm loving it!!!!


尤金 said...
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尤金 said...

Yoh DUDE!!! I can't believe you own a gym now!! Living the dream buddy, good work. Don't run in to any poles.