Sunday 7 November 2010

Heavenly Weekend

I am sitting at home with my 2 doggies and feel on top of the world. I have not long been back from the most relaxing weekend in the New Forest with Viv and Ruby doo. We set off Friday afternoon and managed to mostly avoid the mass exodus from the capital. We were making excellent time and must have been only 10 mins away from the hotel when a juggernaut decided to veer towards me and I had to swerve onto the grass verge a bit. Next thing you know I have a puncture on what ,I was to find out later, is known as 'Suicide Lane'. My car was un drivable and stopped just after a blind hill so the lunatics approaching at 80 odd mph couldn't see us til the last minute. It was hairy times but after an hour a lovely man from the RAC, Clive I think he was called, towed us to the hotel. We checked in and had a lovely evening meal and chilled out drinking wine and relaxing. The hotel was slap bang in the middle of the forest and was sooooo peaceful. Ruby made friends with a cow the next morning when we went for a walk amongst all the wild ponies. The weekend mainly involved relaxing, eating great, homely British grub and walking the dog. We were also blessed with 2 sunny days which was a bonus. Plenty of sleep too. Unfortunately it cost me £160 to get my car fixed, bloody thing is costing me a fortune of late. On the way home we drove to the breeders house to pick up the new pups, Viv's is a black one called Charlie and Amber is the most gorgeous brindle coloured girl. So far we have had no accidents in the house although Ruby has told poor Amber off a couple of times. Miserable old sod!!! The proof will be in the pudding as to how the night goes but I hope that Amber will remain as relaxed as she has to this point. Fingers crossed.

I am mega happy to have a new dogs but I still miss Scrappy and am not trying to replace him. He will always be my first ever dog and has a special place in my heart. I look forward to Ruby coming out of her shell again and being the confident and fun dog she was when Scraps was around. I also look forward to watching Amber and Charlie grow up together and chase each other, Lurcher's run so well and are a joy to watch in full flight. In other news my mo is looking ridiculous but it's all for charity so not to worry. It's been just what the doctor ordered this weekend and I feel recharged and ready to tackle my 5am start tomorrow.

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