Wednesday 17 November 2010

Busy, busy, busy!!!

It's been a hectic 10 days since my last musings. I'll start with the dogs, Ruby tipped the scales at 20.8kg's today, considering that when we rescued her she was 12kg's and malnourished and hugely scared of life itself this is massive for me. Since poor Scraps passed away she has been very melancholy but now little Amber is on the scene she is looking happy again and bouncing around like all good boxers should. Amber is a delight, a truly affectionate and intelligent pup, she is full of beans and doesn't know how to take a backward step, they say dogs are like their owners!!! Her training is progressing nicely and she comes back when called, sits and generally listens pretty well, her toilet raining shows no sign of becoming acceptable but she is only 9 weeks old so I should give her a break.
I was in Ireland last weekend to work with Justin Robbins, head coach of the Boxing Clinic Cork, one of our sister gyms, we were sparring to help him prepare for his Nov 27th fight against Dec Williams on CageWarriors 39. Ohhhh my god what a painful weekend. we managed to dish out some lumps in the first sparring session and all that seemed to do was unleash a beast, me and Olly proceeded to get unceremoniously pounded for the rest of the weekend. Justin is ready for his fight and looking sharp and his hands carry natural power. The man is a machine and I look forward to cornering him next weekend.
This weekend my travels take me to Iceland of all places, where I will be hanging with Mr Michael Russell as he takes on Gunnar Nelson in a grappling superfight. I look forward to seeing Mike fight Gunnar as they are both supreme talents in the sport, I also look forward to seeing Iceland but not the cold weather.
My Movember effort is starting to take shape and is absolutely ridiculous, I have an almost entirely blond top lip, how did that happen??? can't wait to get rid of this thing, all for a good cause though, if you would like to sponsor me go to movember uk homepage and search for my name as an individual participant and give me some money!!!!

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