Monday 8 November 2010

Puppies first night

Here it is, the first picture of my new pup!!! I was expecting last night to be a very up and down night, that being me getting up and down from my bed to soothe the crying, nervous pup. With trepidation I made my way to bed and lay half awake expecting to hear little Amber crying her head off, I must have dropped off as the next sound I heard was my alarm going off at 0500. I jumped straight up expecting the worst, puddles of pee or worse shit in poor Amber's crate. To my deep joy she had a dry night and peed as soon as I took her outside. An 8 week old pup going 7hrs without having an accident is awesome, very pleasing. The fact that she didn't cry all night is the biggest bonus though. I fed them breakfast and went to get ready for work and came back to a little package on the living room floor, my fault should have taken her out sooner after her meal. All good so far. Ruby has not taken to her yet which is a shame but it is early doors. Amber is full of life and leaps around the place with reckless abandon, chewing and pouncing on anything and everything, so much fun to have around!!!!

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