Monday 1 December 2008

Weekend craziness!!!

I don't know what it is about BMF parties but I tend to get unceremoniously drunk at them. The xmas ball was no exception. It was a smashing evening of dancing, frolicking and drinking. Ok, scrap the first 2 it mainly comprised completely of quaffing cheap champagne. I took a couple of the lads from work ( fire brigade) and Rudie went berserk on his outfit. We were all tuxedo'd up but my man Rudie took it to the next level. Cream jacket with tails, cream trousers, bowler hat, white silk shirt, top hat, cane and white and black shoes. He went down gloriously with the Ballers!!!

There is always an amazing atmosphere at Bmf parties, I think it is down to the clientele of what I would describe as one of the best fitness company in the country, if not the world!! Everyone is out for a good time, there is never an atmosphere and although the punters are from all walks of life, everyone is there for the same reason, to get drunk as skunks!! No, to have fun I mean!!! I liked the little touch with the wrist bands of celebrities, trying to find your celebrity partner encouraged people to break out of the comfort of their own group and make new friends. I was Bobby Brown, naturally, and spent a lot of time searching for Whitney. She must have been hiding from me for fear of me kicking seven bells out of her. Later on that evening I did find her, she had put on some weight since I had last seen her but being the gentleman I am I decided to take her roughly by the arm and drag her up to the champagne bar to claim our free drink. I then gave her a sales pitch about joining BMF and fucked her bad self back off to her mates.

I must say I was also impressed by the efforts of the BMF ladies, they all looked superb in their evening wear and it was a veritable feast for a red blooded male. Obviously I was only looking as "it's not a dating agency". Famous quote from our venerable leader Mr Robin Cope. For me, another perk of the evening was catching up with the instructors who I don't see very regularly anymore. This helps in the getting drunk bit as well. The ball was superb, popcorn, ice cream and hot dog vendors wandered through the masses keeping everyone sustained. I think i must have eaten a dodgy hot dog as I felt very unwell the following day. 

The ball was a massive success and afterwards the warriors crammed into the bar next door for the after party. There was a small ruckus between 2 polish guys and a high ranking member of the BMF head shed, I shall mention no names but Kev Lomas was involved!!! I went to the after after party and stumbled home around 7am the following morning. I was up at 8 to take some of the fighters to Crawley for their first fights, not a shining example of professionalism but got the job done.

A massive thanks to Lou and all her staff who made the Ball a scream, thanks for the invite!!! Don't know where Crispin was mind you, poor show Moyles!!!

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