Monday 8 December 2008

Heart break boxing!!

I have just finished watching the big fight form the weekend, no, not that over rated Amir Khan bloke, Oscar de la Hoya vs Manny Pacquiao. I was amazed by the speed, skill and grace of the much smaller Pacquiao. It almost looked like David against Goliath, in this one however, David was kickin' Goliath's ass from the get go!!

Both these fighters are legends, one in the making and one soon to be done. Pacquiao is pound for pound number 1 on the planet whilst de la Hoya has won world titles in 6 different weight divisions up to middleweight. As I watched the 2 square off in the centre of the famous ring in the MGM Grand Garden Arena, I was nervous for Manny. He was dwarfed by Oscar and I feared he may be blown out of the fight. This wasn't to be, he was classy and rapid. Oscar began to look confused, he just couldn't get close to Pacquiao or trap him in the corner. It reminded me of the old Tom and Jerry cartoons. The giant cat Tom was being made to look foolish by the smart and elegant Jerry. Every time Tom thought he had him cornered, Jerry would just slip by and tap him on the shoulder and smile.

It actually brought a tear to my eye to witness a modern boxing legend being brought to his knees in such brutal but beautiful fashion. It was as if the old pound for pound Champ was being led to the door by the new kid on the block. To see Oscar de la Hoya sat forlornly on his stool at the end of the eighth round, left eye almost swollen shut, being asked by the doctor if he was OK and not really knowing how to answer, it made me sad. I felt for his pride at suffering the most emphatic defeat of his career. Yes, he had been stopped before but never in such a humiliating fashion. It really set me off emotionally, I felt his pain. Most of us have experienced defeat before and can empathise but for this great warrior to be left perched on his stool in front of the world, unable to answer the bell , I found it profoundly upsetting.

As always Oscar de la Hoya did not make excuses, even though prompted to by the interviewer. He said he was out boxed and outclassed by the better man. He didn't blame coming down in the weight divisions, going so far as to say he was fine in the gym so why should the fight have been different? I have always harboured the up most respect for the phenomenal athlete and upstanding human being that is Mr Oscar de la Hoya and am proud to have been around during his hey day. I hope now he hangs up his gloves and keeps giving to the sport via his promotional work, his business partner Bernard Hopkins could learn a thing or two about dignity from him.

As for Manny Pacquiao, the boxing world is his oyster. I would love to see him fight Floyd Mayweather Jnr next but think he may get a bout with Ricky Hatton in first. Whichever of those fights he takes, I will be watching and cheering for the little Filipino. It's not the size of the dog in the fight it's the size of the fight in the dog.

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