Wednesday 17 December 2008

Pole dancing Extravaganza

Last friday was the Islington Red Watch christmas party, we went to the 'Miss Pole Dance UK, Christmas Ball. The lads went to the actual competition, where they crowned Miss pole dance UK, a few months back and had an absolute blast. The event was a masked ball and we had VIP tickets. It was all set up to be a good one.

We started in the bar over the road from the station and had to wait there for some time, firemen tend to be tarts and some spend hours preening themselves!!! We finally managed to get everyone together, about 13 of us all told, and headed for the venue. Dumber was already pissed by this point and his future was looking bleak! Into 3 taxis and on our way to Scala for a night of shennanigans. On our entry to the club we were handed our masks, I donned mine with pride and was looking hot to trot. It wasn't very busy when we arrived but the ratio of women to men was superb. All the women were dressed in pole dancing/ burlesque style and it was a veritable feast for the eyes.

We made our way to the VIP area but it was a bit detached from the stage area and dance floor, not an ideal location. Once everyone was masked up we had a team photo and then went our own separate ways, I wanted to be as far away from the guv as possible as he was getting the worse for wear and behaving like an embarrassing dad. Dumber headed straight for the dance floor and was hitting on anything that moved. Isn't it funny that drunk is attracted to drunk. Dumber managed to team up with the drunkest, not to mention largest, women in the club/world and together they caused havoc. They hugged and knocked each other off balance, taking out about 10 other revellers almost like ten pin bowling, it was hilarious. I noticed his beau being escorted off the premises a little while later, by 2 burly doormen, however, dumber was unperterbed and continued to harass anything in a skirt for the rest of the night. watching him get rebuffed over and over again was hilarious. Fair play to him though as he ploughed on regardless.

I was enjoying myself too, being one of only 30ish men in a crowd of hundreds of people is a lot of fun!! The pole dancing itself was a spectacle to behold, the strength and athletisism displayed by these women was incredible. I was in awe of the power and fitness they exhibited and was dying to have a go and see what my bad self could do. I was to be granted my wish, I was up in the VIP area with Dave and couldn't hold my urges back any longer. I told him the next time he saw me I would be atop the pole, he told me I didn't have the bottle and would never do it. Driven on by Dave's dare I plucked up the courage and made my way to the stage. I was welcomed by the lovely MC and then told to go my own merry way and have some fun with it. I climbed to the top of the pole, in my trousers and boots which are not ideal pole dancing garments, and surveyed the audience. There were a good couple of hundred folk watching and I felt I owed them a show. I proceeded to try and replicate some of the moves I had seen throughout the evening but don't think I was too successful. I got down, in one piece thankfully, and got a nice kiss from the hostess who said I did a good job. Later on in the night there were a few encore requests which I felt obliged to honour, scarily I enjoyed the pole dancing and may have found a new career should the fire service ever become too boring!!!

All in all it was a cracking night and much fun was had by most, would love to say all but there is no pleasing some people, of the Red Watch. Plenty of stories to be told round the mess table for a good few weeks if not months. Watch this space as this may be the launch pad for my pole dancing career!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you never know barney, if you keep it up you might get some nice bloke to buy your club entrance next time you're in vegas...