Wednesday 5 November 2008

Training for sweet FA

I have been told this week, just 3 weeks away from the fight and after almost 2 months of preparation and hellish work in the gym, my fight is off! All that blood , sweat and tears and no chance to take it out on someone at the end is very frustrating. It is not unusual in the fight game for this to happen and I have been around for a while so shouldn't be too suprised. However, I am the best I have ever been, super fit, strong and techniqually excellent. On the plus side, I am in the best shape I have ever been so it wasn't all for nought. I am going to describe below what an average work out is like to give those who don't fight an insight into the horrible world of pre fight training camps.

Extra Cardio- This takes place before training with everyone else!! 3x5 min rounds with 1min rest in between.

Round 1

1st min bunny hopping over kick shields with a sprawl at each end (sprawl is where you drop to the ground forcing your hips down but keeping your back arched and your upper body upright) 

2nd min-jump once over kick shield then sprawl, then twice over and sprawl, then three time etc......

3rd min-rope climb constantly up and down

4th min-wall walk, sit with back flat against the wall legs outstretched. grip 8kg kettle bell against chest and stand up without using your hands, pushing in to the wall. repeat from start position

5th min- pick up heavy punch bag over shoulder and slam it into ground, repeat for whole min.

1 minute rest

Round 2- Everything in this round done with harness and someone pulling back against you.

1st min-sprint to rope, climb it, sprint to end of gym and back to rope, climb it etc... for whole min

2nd min-bear crawl (scramble run) on harness for whole min

3rd min- on harness sprawl then stand up and shoot ( place front knee on floor then drive through with the rear knee and stand up) constantly down the mat for the whole time working against the trainers resistance

4th min- more sprinting up and down the mat against the resistance of the coach.

5th min- non stop burpees with jump

1min rest thank god. Just enought time to put on 10kg weight vest and re attach harness.

Round 3 Circuit to be done as many times as poss in 5 mins.

circuit starts with a sprawl then 6 bunny hops over kick shield, bear crawl down to coach, harness sprint to rope, climb rope, pick up heavy bag and throw it, grab 2 x 16kg kettle bells and sprint to the end of the mat and back, sprint back to start, sprawl and repeat whole thing. My record is 8 laps in 5 mins.

Then fall down and die untill main class starts, 1 hour of boxing including 10 minute hard cardio workout and 20 mins, at least, sparring. Then change t-shirt and do 1 hour grappling including at least 15 mins of sparring. Then try to get home on the tube without looking like a dead person. i was doing this 3 x per week on top off running in my own time, teaching british military fitness and training 2 x per week, mainly sparring with some good fighters. It's tough as hell but I absolutely love it and am going to keep it up eventhough the fight is off, why let the fitness slide.


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