Wednesday 14 January 2009

2008- It was a very good year!!

On reflection, 2008 has been one of the best years of my life so far. I have had a lot of success this year and can't think of too many negative events. Obviously there have been ups and downs, peaks and troughs, but they haven't been anywhere near as severe as they have in years gone by. In the wise words of Ronan Keating, "life is a roller coaster, you just gotta ride it". I have a feeling 2009 is going to be even more successful though.

2008 didn't get off to a brilliant start, whilst training for a fight I badly damaged my left ankle. It turned out that my ligaments were in bad way and I was out of serious action for 6 weeks. It is hard for me to not be able to train but I also couldn't work, life was extremely boring for a while. Still now my ankle is weaker than the other and lets me down from time to time. Other than that there have been no other negatives, a few fights got cancelled which is bloody annoying but not the end of the world. On the plus side I became a published journalist, I passed my driving test and got an opportunity to start coaching MMA/boxing. I made serious headway with my book, the folks finally got to live their dream and move to Spain and we are all fit and healthy. I am blessed with marvellous friends too and these have become even closer this year. I also managed to see a very old friend and resume contact with some others. Christmas was hassle free and thanks to a couple of people I was able to survive not having any of my family around and enjoy the down time, thanks, you know who you are!!! All in all a bloody good year. The one ongoing concern is the legal case with the Fire Brigade but that should be sorted very soon and there is more to life than money.

2009 is going to be huge, I will finish writing my book and hope to get it published. I am going to do more work with a MMA magazine and try to establish myself in that field. BMF will take advantage of the credit crunch and nick expensive gym's members which means more work for me. Watch this space for a new venue run by yours truly too. I hope to continue where I left off in 08 and let life's momentum take me higher and higher, If I've said it once I've said it a thousand times life is too short, it's gotta be lived and enjoyed. It's all about being happy!! 

It is my aim to make mine and all those I care about's years fantastic and successful, it's a big ask but I think I can do it.